
Module Contents



Given a distribution over labels for each instance in form of a (num_instances, num_labels)

class nessie.detectors.classification_uncertainty.ClassificationUncertainty

Bases: nessie.detectors.error_detector.ModelBasedDetector

Given a distribution over labels for each instance in form of a (num_instances, num_labels) numpy array, the resulting score is just 1 - the probability of the noisy label specified.

Halteren, Hans van. “The Detection of Innessie in Manually Tagged Text.” In: Proceedings of the COLING-2000 Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora, 48–55. Centre Universitaire, Luxembourg: International Committee on Computational Linguistics, 2000.

See also

Dan Hendrycks and Kevin Gimpel A Baseline for Detecting Misclassified and Out-of-Distribution Examples in Neural Networks In: Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Representations

score(self, labels: nessie.types.StringArray, probabilities: numpy.typing.NDArray[float], le: sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder, **kwargs) numpy.typing.NDArray[float]

Scores the input according to their classification uncertainty.

  • labels – a (num_instances, ) string sequence containing the noisy label for each instance

  • probabilities – a (num_instances, num_classes) numpy array obtained from a machine learning model

  • le – the label encoder that allows converting the probabilities back to labels


a (num_instances,) numpy array containing the resulting scores

Return type


uses_probabilities(self) bool